The 16th annual ‘Toys for Tots’ Tournament Registration Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 2PICK YOUR TOURNAMENT DAY(S) BELOW *DECEMBER 8TH, 2023DECEMBER 9TH, 2023DECEMBER 8TH & DECEMBER 9THPlay Friday, play Saturday OR play Friday and Saturday! Four-Player scramble format. rnRegistration is $150/player/$600/four-person team and includes breakfast, lunch, swag AND a $100 gift card from SRIXON!rn1st/2nd/3rd place prizes will be given out, but remember, each day stands on its own. rnPayment can be made by check, cash, online OR in person. Deadline to register is Friday, November 24the, 2023.TEAM NAMESINGLE PLAYERS LEAVE THIS ENTRY BLANK.TEAM CONTACT NAMEFIRST, LASTTEAM CONTACT PHONE NUMBERPLAYER 1 *FirstLastPHONE *EMAIL *NextPlease choose from one of the following registration fees below: *Player Registration Fee - $150.00Team (4 player) Registration Fee - $600.00Total *$0.00Please choose your payment option below: *Credit Card (payment options below) - $0.00Check payable to: Bear Creek Golf Club - $0.00Member COF (card on file) - $0.00Credit CardPreviousSUBMIT